In this type of registration we have two methods: ICP (Iterative Closest Points) and Landmark registration. In both methods we need 2 objects are needed to make the registration: one moving object and one fixed.
ICP is an automatic fine registration where two meshes are in a relatively close position. There are three modes to be chosen.
Rigid body is the most common one, this method tries to find the best surface fit without modifying the surface’s structure.
Similarity mode decreases the size of a moving object to obtain the best possible fit.
Affine mode also modifies the structure of a surface, but this method flattens moving surface to obtain the best fit.
There is also a possibility to select a reverse transformation, where a moving object is transformed to a fixed object, but his original coordinate system is left.
Rigid body
Landmark registration is a linear transformation specified by manually added landmarks. At the surface of each body the user defines a set of labelled points, where every point should have his counterpart at the other surface. Extreme points should be selected to acquire better registration results.
There are two modes:
Rigid body which works exactly the same as in ICP. Structure of a surface is left unchanged, while the algorithm tries to get the best possible fit.
Elastic body which modifies the moving surface’s structure to acquire the best possible fit.
As in the ICP method, reverse registration is possible.
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