




Mask operatons

Mask edit

Those algorithms create masks that can be modified with tools in mask operations.

Mask edit consists of two sections:

  • Paint , where is a brush to paint over a 2D view or rubber  to erase painted parts of an image. Their size can be customized by the user.
  • Buckets, which are designed for automatic mask edition.


Left icon is named “Flood fill”. It fills the empty area between edges of a mask.

Before Flood Fill

After Flood Fill

If the area is not fully enclosed within the mask, the whole slice will be filled.

Middle icon is named “Fill Closed Areas”. It works similarly to the previous one, but it fills every enclosed hole in the mask.

Before Fill Closed Areas

After Fill Closed Areas

Right icon’s name is “Separate Mask” and it separates the new mask from the existing one, but considers only the connected pixels of the parent mask.

Before Separate Mask

After Separate Mask

When a user desires to separate a single anatomical piece, for example a single vertebra (that is not fused with others) from whole spine, it is recommended to use the “Separate Mask” of Bucket 3D.


With the boolean tool users can create new masks from two existing ones by union, intersection or difference between them. There is also an operation “not” that creates a negation of an existing mask.


The smooth polishes outer and inner edges of a mask.


Denoise reduces the noise of the mask, in particular single pixel marks.


Morphology mask has four operations to be used on mask:

  • Dilation adds pixels on the object boundaries,
  • Erode removes pixels on the object boundaries,
  • Opening is a two-step operation. It erodes an image, and then dilates it.
  • Closing is also a two-step operation. It firstly dilates an image, and then erodes it.

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